Come with an open mind Yoga and Mindfulness can offer so much. If you approach your practice with an open mind, you may, over time, discover more than you initially came for. In both disciplines it is important not to judge yourself too harshly, but to be discerning. Acknowledging where you are and being self compassionate are as much part of the discipline than of the practice itself.
Leave the competitive ego at home Yoga is a non-competitive practice, which means non-competitive among the class and non-competitive with ourselves. Yoga is not a 'bendy' competition, we are all built differently and we must therefore approach the practice within our own range. We are encouraged to work with endeavour, whilst listening to our bodies on the day, never straining or forcing into postures.
Suitable clothing Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Yoga postures or mindful movement explore movement in our bodies that we don't do in our day to day lives, so loose comfortable clothing will allow for freedom of movement.
Equipment A non-slip exercise mat is best to help support you in your posture work. If you think you need a bit of extra padding on the floor, go for an extra thick (6mm) yoga mat. The colour is up to you. I have a couple that can be borrowed for try-out sessions, or if on occasion you forget to bring your own along!
Blocks and straps can aid the practice. Again, I have a couple of blocks and straps that can be borrowed if you wish to try before you buy.
A blanket is great to use at the end of the session, during relaxation, to ensure you don't get cold.
Tummy talk It's best to avoid practising on a full tummy, allowing a couple of hours for your food to digest after a large meal or a little less time from a light meal.
Last but not least... A smile If you come with a smile you may find you enjoy your practice even more!